Who has posted your favorite blog?

Monday, February 28, 2011

Christmas? AGAIN?!

No, seriously! It was snowy, and I received a gift (not that that's what Christmas is about). This gift being...

That's right, expect some more 'homely' pictures now, since I have a good quality camera to take some pictures with. For those that know tech-talk, it's a Konica Minolta DiMAGE X50, 5.0 Mega Pixels (That's good for a digital camera, actually).

Anyways, before receiving it, I had an off-island trip on the Friday break started. Within the time frame, I managed to capture some not-so glorious pictures of Mt. Baker (All blurry...in a car), and one picture that look something like that thing to the left there. Yeah, that one.
However, that's not all. Mr. Worley and I took an adventure over break that eventually landed us at his place for what he had first intended that trip to be for. See, I was supposed to help fix his sound system for his computer, which was apparently having some problems...well...making sound. The worst case was that it was fried, in which they'd have to get it worked on by a professional. Luckily, that never had to occur. If you wish for more details on the matter, out of my pure respect for the situation, talk to Mr. or Mrs. Worley yourself and see if they'll tell you. However, the trip wasn't in vain, as I got this picture from his back deck. I also got another coming down the road by the golf course, which makes for a nice panorama, I'll tell you.

But, the subject was how it was apparently Christmas again, no? Well, it was certainly snowy, and for that matter frozen (so says the pond in my backyard, at least). So, I went out and took some rather exciting pictures in my neighborhood.

Anyways, I think today I'll leave it at that, save more adventures for tomorrow, when Blog class is actually happening. But, I'll also leave you with one more picture, and please provide feedback on it. It was taken down by Jillery.

Absolutely, positively, non-scrutiniably yours,

~The Blue Ribbit (Ribbit ribbit)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Famous People Aren't Always Found On Cereal Boxes

What do you think, did she pull it off as Susan from
The Chronicles of Narnia?
 She seems to have that angry look down

If you can guess who Sierra was, she'll give you a cheesy grin

Now Taking Your Jokes:

So, you might have noticed the ending of the Super Bowl XLV post...sad as it is.

Anyways, if you missed it, I said "Sadly lacking a rabbit joke..."

No, this just won't do.

I'm now accepting any rabbit jokes you may have, and for those who suggest them, they get to have themselves featured on the Blog! Be wary, though, I can't have used them before, and please, no excessive corniness.

Sincerely yours,

~The Blue Rabbit

Monday, February 14, 2011

4 Downs and 7 Yards Ago...

It ended a bit too easily, if you ask me.

After a 7 yard final gain, with 2 yards lost by traveling back (5 yard end), the Pittsburgh Steelers practically gave up as if it were a high school football game. With the close-call final plays that were made, the 4 downs that the Steelers went through seemed just...sad. They practically gave the ball away to the Packers.

However, please don't get me wrong. I am a Packers fan (When the Eagles lose, that is). However, it's disappointing to see the Steelers not even really try. And in addition to that, it's even more disappointing to see the Packers not even really have to try. But, I guess I'm reporting on the game, so...

Nick Collins, celebrating his touchdown for
the Green Bay Packers

Within the first half, the Packers managed to score two touchdowns, one of which there was a call of excessive celebration on Nick Collins, with the other bordering on it. The Steelers managed to get close to a touchdown, but ended up turning over the ball to the Packers, which allowed their second touchdown.
When it came to the second quarter, things changed with the Steeler's scoring their first points of the game around 5-7 minutes in; a total of 3 points were scored. Following this last-down kick, Pittsburgh would score their first touchdown of the game, and with the kick they brought themselves to 10 points, creating a rival for the new score of the Packers, which became 21 before the end of the first half.
 As halftime began where I was, a few people, including myself, went onto the gym floor at OCS (Orcas Christian School) and started shooting hoops; whether it be free-throws, threes, half-courts, dunks (Daniel Janssen), or even a small game of a few people. During the halftime show, The Black-Eyed Peas, this year's halftime performers, went onto the stage (The one that I still don't know where it comes from...) and did a collaboration of all of their most-listened to songs, including, but not limited to, "I've Got A Feeling".

The Black-Eyed Peas performing for the Super Bowl XLV Bridgestone Halftime Show
For the start of the half which would be the most hurtful (literally: 3 people on the Packer's team went out between the ending of the 2nd Quarter and the beginning of 3rd Quarter, with a Steeler leaving as well), the Packers scored nothing, whereas Pittsburgh stole (Haha, punny) yet another Touchdown on the Packers, thus putting the score at a close 17-21, Packers still leading. Pittsburgh would end the 3rd Quarter by completing an 8-yard rush.
As the 4th Quarter arrived, Pittsburgh fumbled the ball on the first down, thus abruptly handing over the ball to Green Bay, allowing Green Bay's 8-yard touchdown made by Greg Jennings (pass by Aaron Rodgers). Green Bay - 28. Following this mess made by Pittsburgh, Green Bay would attempt a touchdown, end up with an incomplete pass by Aaron Rodgers to the  right for Jordy Nelson, and finally make another 3 points by a 23-yard kick (Mason Crosby), ending their score at Green Bay - 31. Following this, the sad part began with Pittsburgh's Pit-Keyaron Fox's charge with unnecessary roughness (Penalty of -13 yards, against Pittsburgh). Next, the two minute warning was issued, and the end of the game began.

Play-By-Play (Source: 2/14/11, Main Source):

Ben Roethlisberger pass to the left to Heath Miller to Pit28 for 15 yards - 1st Down
Ben Roethlisberger pass to the right to Hines Ward to Pit33 for 5 yards - 1st Down
Ben Roethlisberger incomplete pass to the right                                    - 2nd Down
Ben Roethlisberger incomplete pass to the left intended for Mike Wallace - 3rd Down
Ben Roethlisberger incomplete pass to the left intended for Mike Wallace - 4th Down

Following this bad ending for the Steelers, Green Bay would take over the ball at 0:49 seconds left, and
Aaron Rodgers, the Super Bowl XLV MVP, would continue for two downs to lazily run the ball, aka: to run down time.

Aaron Rodgers, starting quarterback for the
Green Bay Packers, and the Super Bowl XLV MVP
 Main Source: FoxSports.com - Super Bowl XLV Play-By-Play
Secondary (Scores): FoxSports.com - Super Bowl XLV Stats

Sadly lacking a rabbit joke...
Yours truly,

~The Blue Rabbit

Halley's New Hero?!

Sierra Haugen, report for the OCS Newspaper is here to interview a student who went to Costa Rica for 4 weeks: "When did you take a vacation to Costa Rica?"
Halley Thomas: "I left Orcas on the 13th of January."
Sierra Haugen: "Where was the first place you stayed?"
Halley Thomas: "Arenal Lodge, by the Arenal Volcano."
Sierra Haugen: "What did you do there?"
Halley Thomas: "Hanging bridges, swimming, hot springs, saw monkeys in the canopy. Two macaws flew through the air and landed on branches. One took a chunk out of my dad's finger and then landed on Adam's arm."
Sierra Haugen: "Where the next place?"
Halley Thomas: "Monte Verde, where Clarabeth Smith is going to school; we saw her. Went to more hanging bridges."
Sierra Haugen: "Was Tamarindo your next stop?"
Halley Thomas:L "Yes, and I saw our names Clara, Julia, Halley, and Sierra with Mission 517 written in permanent marker on the fridge. We went swimming in the ocean and that is when the surfer rescued me."
Sierra Haugen: "Why don't you tell us about it?"
Halley Thomas: "The waves were really strong, and I was being pulled out into the ocean. Adam swam back to the shore and a surfer asked if they wanted to help his sisters. The surfer told Halley to grab onto the surfboard and slowly I made my way back to shore."
Sierra Haugen: Where was the last place you stayed before coming back to the rock.
Halley Thomas: "Went to San Jose for two days and it was nasty outside. Talked with Corrina online and then caught our Denver flight that was two to three hours. The next flight was from Denver to Seattle and that flight was about five hours long."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cheeto Fetish

Everybody knows Mr. Worley's favorite snack, you can even guess what it is. Many students in Mr. Worley's Bible class bring Cheetos to "tempt" him. In doing so, the sarcastic streak comes out, but in a good way. Today was one of those experiences: the Cheetos, sitting in the top row of cubbies in Mr. Worley's room were calling out his name. Soon, a certain someone named Sierra walks through the hallway door and snatches the Cheetos from the small storage space in the wall. She glances over at the teacher who is 'licking his chops' from the sight of Cheetos. He's thinking, man, I would love to have those Cheetos. Mr. Worley gives her an icy look, eyes shaped like tiny slits. After all, the ingredient that makes Cheetos taste good is pig intestines.
So, enjoy your Cheetos, Mr. Worley


Slow Down!

Are you one of the many that thinks the speed limit is 25 in the OCS parking lot!  Why is this?  Why must people risk the lives of many for the rush of their agenda?  In the past 90 minutes, without being intentional, I've noticed two cars leave the lot and needing to use their brakes as they rounded the trash bin.  I will not go on and on and on and on about this situation.  I don't like it.  It's dangerous.  I'm open to the thoughts of others.  What am I missing?  Help me.  In the meantime-SLOW DOWN.

~ Elmer

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Remaining Ten

Winter....the basketball season when everyone is playing at their best. Yeah they're playing...but they're not at school. Off island games are common among the Vikings basketball team. So while they are out playing, the remaining people are at school, learning and expanding our brains. Sure there is nothing wrong with playing basketball and leaving school with teacher approval, I would have played again this year if my health would have allowed it. But I chose to focus on my studies instead of sports and stuff like that. A mix of girls and boys from Orcas Christian School are apart of the basketball team at the Public School, home of the Vikings. The remaining ten that are left at school are as follows:
   Danny - Senior
    Effie - Junior
    Sean - Sophomore
    Kaylee - Sophomore
    Liam - Sophomore
   Corrina - Freshman
    Brynna - Freshman
    Kelly - Freshman

Ohhh...and look who just walked through the door:
Marissa - Sophomore, and me, Sierra - Sophomore
I guess that would mean the remaining ten wouldn't it?
Ah, but wait, there is one more...where is the Blue Rabbit?
He must be sick. Well he needs to get better because Elmer Fudd is tired of waiting for him to come out of his rabbit hole; "It'sWabbit Season you know."
At this point the Blue Rabbit would say:
"No, it's Worley Season!"


Monday, February 7, 2011

Elmer Fudd Visits The Blog

Or has he always been here?

Yeah, this is the prank I talked about. I certainly hope Mr. Worley enjoys it, and understands I can change it back in a few minutes. I just wanted a little enjoyment, and a harmless way to gt back at him for all the Bugs Bunny pictures he's been posting.

So, here's to Fudd, and have a nice day!

With no relation to Roger Rabbit,

~The Blue Rabbit

Friday, February 4, 2011

Behind The Scenes - One Perspective

20 minutes left. Just 20 minutes left. Stress Level (1-10): 6

That's how much time I had to get finished with all the tech stuff (AV, Audio Video). Mr. Worley had just called his own cell phone - which I was in possession of for that very reason - to let me know that he wanted me to find some pictures to pull up for when the various presenters went up this morning.

Quite honestly, I had just finished with getting a new video to play (The old one had some quirks to it) as a commercial before our "News Broadcast" began. Boy, did that take a while. Luckily, I had gotten a NudgeNudge towards a faster way to get that done (WinkWink).

Stress Level 4

Anyways, I went off looking for the pictures, when Aliviah comes in to bring up her slide show, which included the song we listened to by Hillsong United.

Stress Level 6

Following that, people were letting me know which picture to use, or sometimes just the occasional reminder. So, through all this, I'm trying to get everything totally set up for Chapel, still adjusting mics and volumes, and getting things in the right order (which I still didn't know). However, when it came down to 5 minutes left, while still not knowing the order and the who-was-doing-what of it all, I managed to get everything together and ready in an all right fashion. Next up, I ran to the front, asked who was doing what and when, and figured out how everything was going to play out. Took a deep breath.

Stress Level 3

So, Chapel starts, I'm sitting in the back waiting for the signal to start up the music. When the signal comes, I play the song, screw up a little on the timing of the lyrics, business as usual. Well, not really, but you get what I'm saying. Continuing on with events, I failed to remember to put the main points while some people were talking. However, that's pretty much it. Oh, except for the fact that I learned this within a full period of 2 hours. Yeah, that's awesome.

Stress Level 0

Well, I've got to see what Elmer Fudd posted. (The Right Fielder)

~The Blue Rabbit

(Got his donut)

Enjoy my little prank, Elmer!

The Blue Rabbit Revealed!

It's time to reveal the blue rabbit.  Dressed up for the winter formal.  Posting this picture was an executive decision by the rightfielder.  Sorry Blue Rabbit!  And don't get any ideas!!!!

~ Elmer Fudd

Everyone Has a Hobby

Do you have a hobby? I do, and some people might think it strange that my hobby is making Anime Music Videos. I am an amateur meaning I only know how to make a video with background music and pictures of a anime series that I am particularly fond of. I have found a couple other people who like to watch Japanese anime and read manga, Japanese comic books. My free time at home consists of making my own unique videos and posting them to YouTube.com, a common hobby for many Americans. I also like writing poems or short stories based around historical Japan. :)
Alex Grantham's hobby is creative writing. If you take a look at his warm up book for English class, you can find some pretty inspirational stuff like poems or short stories. Here is a poem that he wrote, you may like it:

True Work

Years of moans
Months of groans
How long will this all take?
Pulling, pushing, stressing, straining
We keep ourselves awake
Yet lone behold
A tower of stone
And the sun gracing its peaks
Through desert sand we move the land
Into a position not so weak
Caverns it holds
By cube shaped molds
And one 3D triangle like lid
But now lay to rest
Our best of the best
Inside this majestic pyramid
You have to admit, this is a marvelous poem.
What's your hobby?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Things seem normal on this Thursday, February 3, 2011.  The heat has been fixed in the history and lunch room.  This is bringing joy to the hearts of students and teachers.  Thanks to whoever accomplished this feat.  We had donuts today in remembrance of Jack LaLane.  Today the health students turn in their posters.  I can't wait to see and experience their works of creativity.  It's also interesting to see the hustling around by some in order to finish on time.
And adorable health class is presenting chapel.  I'm not sure they all realize this fact, but this will only add to the excitement.
On Friday Mrs. Roosma's class is off island on a field trip.  What are you doing this Friday?  Enjoy.

~ elmer fudd                    

Myth or Truth?

Do you believe in myths? Not I, myths are made up rumors or tales told by others, originally made to provoke others to try it out; this can be related to the opposite of what one should do, especially in this case. Various amounts of people have come up with a myth on how you can make your cuts heal faster. If you get a cut or scrap, look at these handy ways to treat it in a healthy way.


The myth: keep the cut exposed to allow the air to heal it faster.
The truth: the protection of a bandage helps the wound heal faster, because keeping the cut isolated helps the skin come together and heal. Plus, you won't have to worry about the scrap or cut leaving a scar later.

Keep the wound moist.

The myth: when healing a wound, keep the cut as dry as possible.
The truth: since cells need a moist environment instead of a dry one to heal wounds, you should keep your cut moist in order for the cells to repair the blood cells under the cut, and to help it heal faster. When your cut forms a scab, the cells have to work harder in order to heal the wound.

Scrub time.

The myth: in order to disinfect the area of a cut, let the blood run through it.
The truth: remove all excess dirt, grime, and oil immediately. If not, this could cause serious infection to a cut, especially a really deep one. Change the bandage of need be and keep it clean.

Bandage removal.

The myth: a quick pull should do the trick.
The truth: ripping the bandage off only increases the chance of you reopening the cut again. An approved medical ointment may be a good idea to put over the clean cut and then top it off with a bandage. 

Have a cut, follows these steps. 
Courtesy of:



It's Tuesday and we're back in blog class.  Where is Sierra?  I hope she is home blogging.  In  the meantime theocs360 thought you might like some pictures of Ms. Haugen.  Hope you are feeling better Ms. H.

~Elmer Fudd
Sneaking pictures past NudgeNudgeWinkWink is hard...
but it's easy when she WinkWink's.

~The Blue Rabbit

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Insomnia Rampant!

Pictures from the OCS Lock-In, minus the ever-so-special Capture The Flag and Cops & Robbers games.


Mr. Worley's Favorite. See? Not too much junk food (Sarcasm there, check what we had for dinner)

No time to say "Hello". Goodbye!

~The Blue Rabbit