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Monday, March 19, 2012

Why I'm exctied about going home

Wow! Where have the past two weeks ago gone??? Just two weeks ago we were leaving SEA/TAC and flying to Costa Rica. Now two weeks later I'm sitting with the rest of the group in Denver International Airport waiting for our 5:35 boarding call to SEA/TAC. A few days ago I had this feeling that I really did not want to leave sunny, warm Costa Rica and head back home to cold, windy, snowy Orcas Island. Now I am 110% ready to get back home. Why am I ready? Because I can not wait to: sleep in my own bed, take a HOT shower, see my dog, hang out of with friends that I have not seen in two weeks, talk to my dad, get ready for a Crew regatta this coming Sunday, get up for Crew practice in the mornings and row on Cascade Lake.
Seeing and being in all different situations over the past two weeks has made me really realize how lucky we are in the United States to have all the things we have. Having clean water and good food available are almost things that we do not even think about, it is just a given almost in the USA. Also having all the electronics and technology that we have in the USA is another blessing we take for granite. I am also very excited to be able to listen to my ipod and play Modern Warfare 3 after two weeks that I did not even think about them.

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