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Monday, February 28, 2011

Christmas? AGAIN?!

No, seriously! It was snowy, and I received a gift (not that that's what Christmas is about). This gift being...

That's right, expect some more 'homely' pictures now, since I have a good quality camera to take some pictures with. For those that know tech-talk, it's a Konica Minolta DiMAGE X50, 5.0 Mega Pixels (That's good for a digital camera, actually).

Anyways, before receiving it, I had an off-island trip on the Friday break started. Within the time frame, I managed to capture some not-so glorious pictures of Mt. Baker (All blurry...in a car), and one picture that look something like that thing to the left there. Yeah, that one.
However, that's not all. Mr. Worley and I took an adventure over break that eventually landed us at his place for what he had first intended that trip to be for. See, I was supposed to help fix his sound system for his computer, which was apparently having some problems...well...making sound. The worst case was that it was fried, in which they'd have to get it worked on by a professional. Luckily, that never had to occur. If you wish for more details on the matter, out of my pure respect for the situation, talk to Mr. or Mrs. Worley yourself and see if they'll tell you. However, the trip wasn't in vain, as I got this picture from his back deck. I also got another coming down the road by the golf course, which makes for a nice panorama, I'll tell you.

But, the subject was how it was apparently Christmas again, no? Well, it was certainly snowy, and for that matter frozen (so says the pond in my backyard, at least). So, I went out and took some rather exciting pictures in my neighborhood.

Anyways, I think today I'll leave it at that, save more adventures for tomorrow, when Blog class is actually happening. But, I'll also leave you with one more picture, and please provide feedback on it. It was taken down by Jillery.

Absolutely, positively, non-scrutiniably yours,

~The Blue Ribbit (Ribbit ribbit)

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