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Monday, February 14, 2011

Halley's New Hero?!

Sierra Haugen, report for the OCS Newspaper is here to interview a student who went to Costa Rica for 4 weeks: "When did you take a vacation to Costa Rica?"
Halley Thomas: "I left Orcas on the 13th of January."
Sierra Haugen: "Where was the first place you stayed?"
Halley Thomas: "Arenal Lodge, by the Arenal Volcano."
Sierra Haugen: "What did you do there?"
Halley Thomas: "Hanging bridges, swimming, hot springs, saw monkeys in the canopy. Two macaws flew through the air and landed on branches. One took a chunk out of my dad's finger and then landed on Adam's arm."
Sierra Haugen: "Where the next place?"
Halley Thomas: "Monte Verde, where Clarabeth Smith is going to school; we saw her. Went to more hanging bridges."
Sierra Haugen: "Was Tamarindo your next stop?"
Halley Thomas:L "Yes, and I saw our names Clara, Julia, Halley, and Sierra with Mission 517 written in permanent marker on the fridge. We went swimming in the ocean and that is when the surfer rescued me."
Sierra Haugen: "Why don't you tell us about it?"
Halley Thomas: "The waves were really strong, and I was being pulled out into the ocean. Adam swam back to the shore and a surfer asked if they wanted to help his sisters. The surfer told Halley to grab onto the surfboard and slowly I made my way back to shore."
Sierra Haugen: Where was the last place you stayed before coming back to the rock.
Halley Thomas: "Went to San Jose for two days and it was nasty outside. Talked with Corrina online and then caught our Denver flight that was two to three hours. The next flight was from Denver to Seattle and that flight was about five hours long."

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