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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Remaining Ten

Winter....the basketball season when everyone is playing at their best. Yeah they're playing...but they're not at school. Off island games are common among the Vikings basketball team. So while they are out playing, the remaining people are at school, learning and expanding our brains. Sure there is nothing wrong with playing basketball and leaving school with teacher approval, I would have played again this year if my health would have allowed it. But I chose to focus on my studies instead of sports and stuff like that. A mix of girls and boys from Orcas Christian School are apart of the basketball team at the Public School, home of the Vikings. The remaining ten that are left at school are as follows:
   Danny - Senior
    Effie - Junior
    Sean - Sophomore
    Kaylee - Sophomore
    Liam - Sophomore
   Corrina - Freshman
    Brynna - Freshman
    Kelly - Freshman

Ohhh...and look who just walked through the door:
Marissa - Sophomore, and me, Sierra - Sophomore
I guess that would mean the remaining ten wouldn't it?
Ah, but wait, there is one more...where is the Blue Rabbit?
He must be sick. Well he needs to get better because Elmer Fudd is tired of waiting for him to come out of his rabbit hole; "It'sWabbit Season you know."
At this point the Blue Rabbit would say:
"No, it's Worley Season!"


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