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Friday, February 4, 2011

Behind The Scenes - One Perspective

20 minutes left. Just 20 minutes left. Stress Level (1-10): 6

That's how much time I had to get finished with all the tech stuff (AV, Audio Video). Mr. Worley had just called his own cell phone - which I was in possession of for that very reason - to let me know that he wanted me to find some pictures to pull up for when the various presenters went up this morning.

Quite honestly, I had just finished with getting a new video to play (The old one had some quirks to it) as a commercial before our "News Broadcast" began. Boy, did that take a while. Luckily, I had gotten a NudgeNudge towards a faster way to get that done (WinkWink).

Stress Level 4

Anyways, I went off looking for the pictures, when Aliviah comes in to bring up her slide show, which included the song we listened to by Hillsong United.

Stress Level 6

Following that, people were letting me know which picture to use, or sometimes just the occasional reminder. So, through all this, I'm trying to get everything totally set up for Chapel, still adjusting mics and volumes, and getting things in the right order (which I still didn't know). However, when it came down to 5 minutes left, while still not knowing the order and the who-was-doing-what of it all, I managed to get everything together and ready in an all right fashion. Next up, I ran to the front, asked who was doing what and when, and figured out how everything was going to play out. Took a deep breath.

Stress Level 3

So, Chapel starts, I'm sitting in the back waiting for the signal to start up the music. When the signal comes, I play the song, screw up a little on the timing of the lyrics, business as usual. Well, not really, but you get what I'm saying. Continuing on with events, I failed to remember to put the main points while some people were talking. However, that's pretty much it. Oh, except for the fact that I learned this within a full period of 2 hours. Yeah, that's awesome.

Stress Level 0

Well, I've got to see what Elmer Fudd posted. (The Right Fielder)

~The Blue Rabbit

(Got his donut)

Enjoy my little prank, Elmer!

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