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Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13-Monday

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?  Will I keep doing this daily blog stuff?  I know your answer-it's the same as mine-doubtful.  But as I referred to yesterday, I'm going to be positive (did I say that yesterday?) and enjoy the moment.  Yes, I'm over doing the moment thing, but I'm hoping mentioning it makes reality.

What about a reality TV show based around a school?  Is there such a program already in existent?  What about a church?  Let's face it, a church board meeting (properly edited) would be a riot.  We could shoot several, pick and choose from the best ones-the ones where people show their deep love for each other-and make a million bucks. 
More June 13 later.

Been thinking about the Chaffees lately.  And the Enos.  ( How do you do plurals on peoples last name?  I feel insecure about my attempts for correctness)

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