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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sunday June 12

I've decided to enjoy each day.  I mean, I plan to consciously say, "I'm enjoying this event, activity, or moment!"
Today Elliot Claus came to our house and helped clean up "stuff" in the woods.  Wow! He got a lot done and everything looked clean.  Hope he comes tomorrow.
Judy and I went to Amy Cole's and Philip Miller's house on Mt. Pickett.  We went for a 5 mile round trip hike and at the end of the first leg of our journey we sat by Mt. Lake and had a picnic.  Amazing.  Beautiful sun, mild breeze, and time to stare at whatever.  Go see Amy and Philip.  Don't tell them I gave you the idea.
Sitting there by the lake, a question came to my mind: So why don't we all do this more often?  Why don't we take a picnic lunch, go for a hike, and stare at the water?
Came home and used the bushwhacker to cut down unwanted weeds.  Happy Sunday.


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