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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Slap...Snap...Slap...Got You!!!

One of the incredibly fun mixer games the high school played was a clapping game.
You choose one person to go outside of the classroom and then the people inside the classroom choose one person to be the "leader" to start us in a clapping/snapping/hand motion game. The person comes back into the room with everyone following the leader's hand motions. The person who came back into the room then tries to guess who the leader is. The leader can switch hand motions at any time just as long as they don't get caught by the person who is guessing. If the middle person guesses the leader and gets it right, then the leader goes outside to be the guesser, and the former guesser takes that persons spot and picks someone else to be the leader for the person outside of the classroom.

To start off with, Mr. Fox split us into 3 groups and for 20 minutes we would talk with the teacher about what the classes - that they would be teaching - would be like next year. For my group, we had Mr. Worley, and we talked about life lessons and what it takes to be cool. Well, what do you think it takes to be cool? I was thinking the whole time...just being yourself makes you cool. Who cares about what clothes you wear, what your hair-do is, what your personality is like, whether you are sociable or unlikeable for one reason or another. I myself don't care about what others think about me because I have never done anything to them to make them hate me. I don't let it get to me; I don't let it bug me. So just be yourself; if you are anything other than yourself, then you are putting on a fake mask and hiding your true nature.

-Rambunctious Commentator-

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