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Friday, May 6, 2011

Who am I?

Today I, Anna Vedder, am playing Roger Worley, leading his classes.  But does that make me him?  I am doing what he was scheduled to do.  But I do not have his experience, his background, his knowledge. 

I have found many times and in many places that it is necessary to play a role, such as me being Roger Worley today.  I play the role of teacher.  I play the role of student.  I play the role of citizen of San Juan county (recently received a jury summons to prove that one).  Where do these roles end and I begin?  Or are  these roles simply demonstrations and visible aspects of who I am, of my charater?  Can we play a role long enough that we come to believe that is who we are?  If so, who writes the script for the roles we play?

I would suggest to you that the truest script to follow, as it is written by our Maker and the Author of our lives, is that of God in His Word.  He makes the claim that others will know we belong to Him through the love they see in our lives.  He states that to truly follow Him means caring for widows and orphans, in other words, those who have no power or ability to care for themselves.  His love flowing to others through our lives is what it means to be a Christian.  

While "Christian" may not define all of who I am, it must be more than a list of cherished beliefs.  It must be God living through me.  Mental acknowledgement of this religious belief, or that doctrine is not enough.  I need a relationship with a personal God, not a relationship with information about who He is.  And this relationship will permeate all other relationships I have, how I relate to anyone I meet, and every task I do. 

I suggest to you that only through the infinite depths of such a relationship with God can I truly discover the fulness of what it means to be me, or for you to be fully yourself.  Only the Maker knows the full potential of each of us.  Let each of us strive to honor Him, and discover the adventure He has planned for us in reaching for our full potential.


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