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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Hey! It's me...Yeah, you're on my TV. Awesome, right?"

Now how is this possible? What would make it possible to be able to see your friend on your TV, and talk with them practically over the phone? We can already do this on our computers through one application; Skype.

So, how could we be able to do this with our TV's? What would make this possible? Could it have something to do with an external device for our TV? A DVD player? A Blu-Ray player? But no, wouldn't you need a camera and a mic? How would that work out? Why don't we all just get a brand new laptop with a camera and a mic and use Skype?

Or is there something new on the horizon...? Possibly through a friendly gaming system. In case you like spoiling the surprise I'm trying to lead up to, you're probably right (Maybe you're wrong). Anyways, if you're not like me, and don't look up something before it is necessary, then this will be news to you.

Skype was bought out by Microsoft.

Here's the math to go along with it:

Xbox Platform
+                        Skype
Skype for Xbox

Pretty neat, huh? Yeah, all you have to do is pay even more money to get the new Xbox Platform (If you haven't already), pay a little extra for Xbox Live (If you haven't already), and pay even more to use Skype to make calls (If you haven't already). Sounds like the whole Netflix thing again...

The NHanced Extractor of Relevant Details,

~The Blue Rabbit

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