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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hey, Jeff!

I once had this student who knew what I was thinking before I expressed my thought in word, look, or body language.  It was scary.  No exaggeration.  Scary.  You're not so sure that this was scary?  Imagine your folks knowing what is streaming through your brain.  Picture the friend that knows you were using a little white lie to avoid difficulty.  Imagine your employees or co-workers knowing in advance what selfish act you were on the verge of inflicting upon them or others.

Actually, we were both able to "guess" (not know) what the other was thinking in differing situations.  Let's call it a extra portion of perception and avoid the concept of scary.  Let's call it fun.  Ya, it was great fun to be able to guess what the other was thinking.  However, with an extra sense of understanding of another individual, comes the knowledge of how to frustrate, or how to manipulate that person.

Looking back I believe we both used this perceptiveness to irritate each other.  It is also true that with the frustration comes a type of appreciation for the one with whom you share a God given gift.  Growing up I never realized the positive potential in being perceptive.

Two weeks ago I thought that I should email Jeff and ask how things were going.  The next day he emailed me first!  I was a little irritated that he wrote first, but was glad to hear he was doing well and continuing with his training.  I'm not sure I ever conveyed to Jeff that I saw his strengths as gifts to him, from God.  Jeff is a light.  He is granted the privilege of seeing and understanding what people need before they speak a word.  He probably knew that sending me the above picture would be a Christmas gift I would enjoy receiving.  He asked that I not share the picture with anyone.  HA!  He knew I would, and I knew he wouldn't care!

Hey, Jeff, celebrate the gifts God has given you, and remember the best way to celebrate is to use your talents to help another person that God places in your daily path.  Merry Christmas!  I miss you!  There's always room for you on one of those expensive classroom couches.


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