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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday January 8, 2012

I struggle with the concept of making New Year's resolutions.  I view each day as a chance to decide what's important and what can be a goal for that week.  Now that I've said that, I will share with you a few of the resolutions I've made for the new year.  It isn't a complete list and they will not be in order of importance.
1) Eliminate or lessen the use of conversational preambles.
2) Speak without detailed explanations of what I think or believe.
3) Practice what I read and believe about holistic health.
4) Avoid giving advice unless asked.
5) Once a month sponsor a party for the purpose of having fun.
6) Talk less and listen more when I pray.
7) Be specific in the continual search for God's fellowship.

The End


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