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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sydney Who?

"Sydney is teaching today," came the yell from across campus.  "Sydney, who?" came the cry back.  I paused for a moment and thought, "Sydney, Who?"  I smiled, "boy I could tell you about Sydney Who!"
Sydney Who came to Orcas Island with her family 12+ years ago.  She was in the 3rd grade (That's my best guess).  When I moved to Orcas to teach at OCS Sydney was in the 6th grade.  I soon learned that Sydney the sixth grader, besides having the best smile on Orcas Island, also could express how she felt on almost every subject.  Knowing what it means to express one's self on every subject, I anticipated Ms. Who and her classmates' arrival into the high school at OCS.

When that first high school day came I found her class to be what I expected: Articulate, cute, and very bright.  Oh, did I mention that they were outspoken?  I should mention that another word for outspoken is opinionated.  Having made the top ten list of opinionated people in the United States, I can spot a class with this trait a ferry away.  I was right about something else, this class was loaded with potential in every area of life.  They could earn top grades, sing, play all sports, speak in front of groups, be great OCS big brothers and sisters, and what I liked most-make you think.  And Sydney Who loved to "make you think."  Her favorite question was, "so what do you think Mr. Worley?" Followed by a, "uh, uh?"

And so the other day when I was looking at the OCS web page I saw Sydney Harris posing with her students, that's right, her students, in  the OCS gym.  I thought to myself, how proud her parents must be when they see her helping kids in the same places where teachers had helped her.  I thought to myself, how proud her church must be when they see her living for Jesus and using her talents to impact the lives of people.  I thought of how proud her teachers were when we saw her return and take on the responsibility of caring for young questioning minds.  How amazing that this 3rd grader has come back and can be trusted to care for the next group of emerging teachers, plumbers, coaches, and youth leaders.

All of this reminded me that teaching and parenting is like seed planting.  You do your best to share information, instruct in how to do things, and try to live the values that are needed on our struggling planet. Then, after planting the seed, you wait for God to care for, watch over, and grow the seed.  God is so far beyond me in knowing what is best.  Just the other day when I needed these reminders about seed planting, Sydney Harris the substitute kingergarten teacher drove into the OCS parking lot. 

I work for God.  I plant the seed.  He grows the seed in just the right way, in just the right time.  My Father knows best!  "So, What Do You Think, Ms. Harris? Uh, Uh?"


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