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Sunday, July 24, 2011

So Cool

Have you been to Watmough Bay on Lopez?
We all know what it's like to have someone say, "You've got to go see this new movie, or read this book, or listen to this great new song!"  Whenever I hear that I say to myself, "Ya, right."  Why are we so skeptical?  Well, maybe I can write about skepticism another time.  So some people took us to this gravel road with a turn here and a turn there.  We arrived at this gravel parking lot that led to a mysterious looking trail.  Maybe the trail is 1/2 mile long.  At the end of the trail you walk into the light and there is the ocean.  The beach is about a 1/4 mile long.  On one end of  the beach is a wall of trees.  The other end of the beach meets a huge wall of rock.  You stand there and don't know what to say or do.  Like out of a movie...a bank of trees and a rock wall.  You're trapped by beauty and majesty.  "Where in the world am I?"  "Why have I not heard of this place?"  Upon leaving I plan to tell everyone about Watmough Bay.  But really now, who will listen, and who will believe?  The bay is located 10 miles from the Lopez Ferry Landing.  Get over there.  I mean, don't waste another moment.  Go!


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