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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Keep The Password-And Use It

Dear Blue Rabbit:
So I'm told again the other day (I didn't ask) that you're not coming back to OCS next year.  I wasn't stunned because you told me this at the end of the school year.  I wasn't surprised because your eyes told me you were telling the truth.  Stunned?  Surprised?  No.  Sad. 
Sad because your friendliness was contagious.
Sad because your smile makes a difference.
Sad because you know how silly most of my assignments are. 
Sad because I love your blogs.
Sad because only three of us read these blogs and now only two.
Sad because I'm not sure if you're aware of your impact on OCS life.
Sad because whenever I needed help on the computer-you were there.
Sad because whatever the obstacle, it can be overcome.

So I was thinking of a gift to give you for all you've done for me.  (Remember when I had this huge problem with my home computer and you came and fixed it in seven seconds)
Here's the gift-Keep The Password to the OCS blog, And Use It, whenever you want.  Ok, it really is a gift to me! 
Be strong, Pray Lots, Keep Looking Up!  I've got a feeling this is a rather cheesy blog.  I don't care.

The Blue RF 

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