Who has posted your favorite blog?

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So Cool

Have you been to Watmough Bay on Lopez?
We all know what it's like to have someone say, "You've got to go see this new movie, or read this book, or listen to this great new song!"  Whenever I hear that I say to myself, "Ya, right."  Why are we so skeptical?  Well, maybe I can write about skepticism another time.  So some people took us to this gravel road with a turn here and a turn there.  We arrived at this gravel parking lot that led to a mysterious looking trail.  Maybe the trail is 1/2 mile long.  At the end of the trail you walk into the light and there is the ocean.  The beach is about a 1/4 mile long.  On one end of  the beach is a wall of trees.  The other end of the beach meets a huge wall of rock.  You stand there and don't know what to say or do.  Like out of a movie...a bank of trees and a rock wall.  You're trapped by beauty and majesty.  "Where in the world am I?"  "Why have I not heard of this place?"  Upon leaving I plan to tell everyone about Watmough Bay.  But really now, who will listen, and who will believe?  The bay is located 10 miles from the Lopez Ferry Landing.  Get over there.  I mean, don't waste another moment.  Go!


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Keep The Password-And Use It

Dear Blue Rabbit:
So I'm told again the other day (I didn't ask) that you're not coming back to OCS next year.  I wasn't stunned because you told me this at the end of the school year.  I wasn't surprised because your eyes told me you were telling the truth.  Stunned?  Surprised?  No.  Sad. 
Sad because your friendliness was contagious.
Sad because your smile makes a difference.
Sad because you know how silly most of my assignments are. 
Sad because I love your blogs.
Sad because only three of us read these blogs and now only two.
Sad because I'm not sure if you're aware of your impact on OCS life.
Sad because whenever I needed help on the computer-you were there.
Sad because whatever the obstacle, it can be overcome.

So I was thinking of a gift to give you for all you've done for me.  (Remember when I had this huge problem with my home computer and you came and fixed it in seven seconds)
Here's the gift-Keep The Password to the OCS blog, And Use It, whenever you want.  Ok, it really is a gift to me! 
Be strong, Pray Lots, Keep Looking Up!  I've got a feeling this is a rather cheesy blog.  I don't care.

The Blue RF 

It Doesn't Take Much

So I drift into the room where I teach and there on my desk is a humongous bag of the stuff to the left.  I stared at the note; It just says that this is for enjoyment purposes only.  Since I love Crunchy Cheetos I decided it was a gift for me.  I left another note on the bag saying that others could could partake of this treat.  After devouring several handfuls I proceeded to clamp the bag shut and place it on the center of my desk.
I stared at it.  I opened it again.  I ate 41 CC and then closed it tight.  I stared at it.  Then I thought how IT DOESN'T TAKE MUCH to add a smile or feeling of "someone thought of me today!"
Life must be more than Cheetos.  Maybe.  I told Judy about the bag and she asked: "Did you eat any?"  The look and question was like, "I hope you had the wisdom and strength to resist."  I told the truth.  Later Judy was in the room helping me get organized.  When she got home I asked if she had seen the bag.  She said, yes.  I then asked if she had partaken of the wicked treat.  Another yes followed the question.  She smiled.  I smiled.  Stop by and look at this random act of kindness.  And help yourself to the Cheetos.  (I'd prefer you pour them into your hand, but if that's not your style-go for it any which way.)  Thanks to you who put it there, and to the rest of us, remember how thoughtfulness can happen because of you-and me!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Bring On The Tansy

Young Tansy

                 Blooming Tansy

The bluish rabbit actually went to the blog and did a post.  And he noticed that it's been a while since I tried to write the everyday post.  Didn't work-did I really think it would work?  Not sure.

The summer has been interesting.  Went to Yakima and visited family.  Then went to Yakima and visited family.  Worked in the yard and painted stuff in and out of our house.  Then went to Yakima and visited family.  And, here's the strange part, I love the rain.  On Orcas you're not suppose to water your lawn.  Maybe a few drops for your plants, but you better watch out for the water police.  The water police are like the weed killer police.  "Don't you dare put poison on anything!"  After all, you save the enviornment and don't have to be worried about being arrested.  "Oh, don't forget to pull that Tansy Ragwort or we County people will send you a letter and then fine you!"  I love it!  Presently, the Tansy stuff is taking over the island.
"But you better not poison the Tansy."  Now the county can't afford to threaten people with letters and so the Tansy just keeps spreading.

Oh, I love the rain because everyone complains and I just sit on the porch watching my lawn grow and waiting for the bluish rabbit to awake and notice he hasn't blogged for about ten years!

Wake up Blue Rabbit!