Who has posted your favorite blog?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


No, no, no. Not the teacher (Then again, we aren't him either). I mean FOX as in © FOX.
Yeah, now you get it. (Thank you copyright symbol!)

So, I'm/We're/You're sure you saw the news regarding Osama Bin Laden, am I/are we correct?
(Okay, enough of the confusing stuff)
Anyways, © FOX decided it would assist in the whole Obama Bin Laden thing (See what's been done there?). So, basically, they screwed up. But not so basically. More like big-time news screw up.

Here's a video for all of you to see:

It doesn't get any better than that, am I right?
Oh, and as a play-on with our previous slogan (Changes normally every week, keep watching it), I so told you; Th OCS 360° is not © FOX News.

*Special thanks to Chris Ghazel for pointing it out on Facebook
**Special thanks to TodaysBigThing.com for posting it yesterday

Fairer and Balanced...er,

~The Blue Rabbit

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