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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Our Trust is His Satisfaction

There are many things on every body's hearts; family, friends, God, lovers, or political crisis'. I can tell you what is on my mind this week. It all happened yesterday...

I have been ill for the past week (AGAIN) and I had my mother pick me up at lunchtime. She then had a doctors appointment to get a check-up on her body. Me; lying on the floor, laptop running, half asleep, feeling terrible, reading Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. An hour or two passes by and I here a knock on my bedroom door, it was my mother. The first thing she said was, "I have some bad news for you..." I looked up from my computer at her with a "what's the bad news" face. She then said that pills were prescribed to her to help her heart actually beat normally because she apparently has Mitral Valve Prolapse. This disease is not supposed to be harmful or life threatening in any way. But the doctor seems to think that she should see if the pills help her. It is a little tough for me right now because I know that she just got out of gallbladder surgery and is still recuperating from that.

So in this case, my mother is my top prayer priority. She seems to be having multiple health problems at once, and it's scaring me. But I know that if God is with her, then he will do everything to help her pull out of this and keep her safe.

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