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Friday, May 20, 2011


It seemed like summer.  All week.  Monday everyone showed up for school and then Tuesday morning 14 students and 6 adults left for the mountains and a science trip.  Six students, the principal, the history teacher, one of the math teachers, and the art teacher stayed on island to continue school in the normal manner.

The sun was bright everyday.  With so few of the high school students in the building, and the weather finally feeling like spring, it was rather unique doing school.  Tuesday I was intense and Wednesday the students said I made them feel defensive.  Thursday they told the math teacher (Anna Vedder) that they'd rather do math than the classes I was teaching.  Wow! Now I felt defensive.  Sean Haugen pretended to be Julius Ceasar.  Aliviah and Alicia pretended to do school and day dreamed of playing softball 24/7.  Kaylee went to Friday Harbor and got her driver's license, and Downtown Danny Brown drove his fancy wheel chair to school at the speed of 7 miles per hour.  Then he drove it in the hallways and up to the Jr. High building.  Sierra Haugen told me I was too intense and took a geometry test that lasted three hours (well not quite).
Mrs. Slavens drove to Auburn, Mrs. Harris helped the softball coach, Mrs. Fox got a new job, and Mr. Roosma walked into my class room eight different times.  Oh, he also went to the doctor and had X-rays taken.  I guess the only thing I did was make the students feel defensive.  My wife brought stevia drops to school so the students could see first hand what this substitute for processed cane sugar looked like.  Sierra said they looked like medicine bottles.

I got off track and somehow led the students into the trenches of World War I.  Then I remembered the Christmas song, "Christmas In The Trenches."  Sean found it on utube.  Sean and I almost cried but didn't tell anyone.  We prayed for the science trippers, softball games, traveling relatives, the health of the people we love, and thanked God for everything he's done for us.

It was a good week.  I wonder what it means-it was a good week.  When will the Blue Rabbit be back?  Go ahead Blue Rabbit, try and figure out my byline.


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