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Friday, March 25, 2011

Week Of Prayer - 2011


This is our guest speaker for Week Of Prayer 2011, Gregory Hannah Jones (He attends Walla Walla University in Walla Walla Washington (Say that five times fast)). He joined the High School - following worship in the mornings - for a sort of bonding time, where they discussed things revolving around things like different ways of worship and Jesus' walking on water. He would also get the High Schooler's to get involved in activities, consisting of things such as trust falls and 'plays'. After this, they would have prayer, and the High School would continue on to their class, which for this week was their first period class (second period was before worship). Today, the last day, he said he would make sure to come back to visit, and he allowed the Middle and High School kids to ask him about himself (interests, "Cat or dog?", and even crazy things like "Koby or Lebron?" and "Star Wars or Star Trek?" (He says he likes Star Wars more!)).

A sincere thank you goes to those who helped out during Week Of Prayer, and an especially big thank you to Gregory Hannah Jones, Jason Kraayeveld, and the band!

Signing off for the quarter,

~The Blue Rabbit

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