Who has posted your favorite blog?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

So Easy

Things are easy.  My students know I don't like to say it this way, but why not?  Things are "So" easy.  It's true.  For some people born into wealth or optimal health, things are easy, or easier than our situation.  However, the truth, though painful, is we see others' situation as easy-even though we have no clue what life is doing to them.
Our students rate their classes as more desireable if there are fewer assignments than another similar class.  Our art and vocational classes are rated in a similar manner.  I can't remember ever hearing, "I don't care whether your elective class is easier than mine, I'm going to take the other class because I want to learn!"  I learned last year in doing a school newspaper that it is so much fun to do a newspaper.  How much fun?  Well, it's fun until you have to do corrections to your article, or it's fun until you have to be sensitive to the people about whom you're writing.  A student told me last year, "can't we just write and have fun?"
Blog class is fun-but it's also work.  We've learned this semester that it's a slow process.  We've learned that just adding "lots" of pictures (The teacher is always requesting pictures, pictures, and more pictures") takes time away from writing.
Doing significant activites in my life is not easy.  I love watching TV (It's not my fault, I got it from my dad!) and eating popcorn.  Easy.  Easy.  Easy.  There is no failure observed by anyone when I watch and eat in the privacy of my home.  Easy.  Easy.  Easy.  I'm not going to stop watching TV, and popcorn is loaded with nutriants.  But I want more than easy.  I want more than what I want! 
Hey Sierra and Alex: Thank you ("Thank you So much!) for being willing to do more than just the easy.  Thanks for each sentence and paragraph composed in your mind and printed on the web.  How about you?  Are you willing to do the hard and difficult?  Life is "So, So," easy!  If it is for you-then reach out to someone for whom life is the opposite experience.  P.S.  Sierra, great blog on prayer-why don't you post it?



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