Who has posted your favorite blog?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

50, And Still Kickin'!

Yep, that's right, The OCS 360 (Bringing you news since c.* January 2011) is officially 50 years posts old. Quite something isn't it? Here's the stats:

The Blue Rabbit/Mark Twang = 22 Posts
NudgeNudgeWinkWink/Bwana = 15 Posts
The Right Fielder/Elmer Fudd = 13 Posts

Pretty cool, right? I did a run-down of all of the blogs a little while ago just to make sure.
Wow...that's a lot for each of us, but really, go Mr. Worley! You write those blogs! No more procrastination buddy, you've surpassed 10, and now you're in the major leagues (Haha, baseball reference ;).

Also, let's give a hand to Bwana!

No! No! I didn't mean a hand like THAT. I meant it like a nice round of applause. You know, "congrats"?
Ugh, I give up...you audiences are hard to work with, aren't you? Dare I even attempt to say "Lend me your eyes!"?

-Mark Twang-
Formerly the Tangy Twisted Mark Twang,

Something old, something new, something borrowed, and always;

~The Blue Rabbit

*Dictionary time!
   c. - or ca. - stands for "circa", a variation of the Latin
   word "circum" which translates into "around the".

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