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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Arm? Yes, two.

Boy, do I love anagrams!

Seriously, you can go from saying "Slot Machines" to "Cash Lost In'Em" (No joke).
But really, I enjoy them quite a bit. It's not the humorous part that's my favorite, but the fact that the possibilities for anagrams are endless! Whether it be Clint Eastwood and his Old West Action, the Dictionary being indicatory, or a dog's tale and a toad's leg (Popped into my head, sorry), it's always great fun to discover something new. However, when you find things that don't make sense, like having a Connecticut  yankee in King Arthur's court, you may want to back up and try again. Yeah, those can be quite the mysterious strangers...

And still, anagrams - both sketches new and old - may have already been discovered by someone else.
But don't let that bring you down, because you should still feel good about having found one. Also, it's like finding a twin to a word. Oh, those extraordinary twins, if you want insight on that, talk to Sierra or Sean Haugen, or even my older brother and sister.

By the way, don't get anagrams mixed up with palindromes. A palindrome is when a word spelled backwards is still the same word (You all know the race car thing, I assume). An anagram is a word, or a set of words, that are a different set of words (or a singular word) when mixed up.

Palindrome: A Toyota's a Toyota
Anagram: Conversation = Voices rant on

If you guys want, comment below (Using a Gmail account) with some palindromes or anagrams you've discovered!

Previously the ever-so Blue Rabbit of the Blog,

Following the equator,

-Mark Twang-

PS: Can you find all of the anagrams and Mark Twain references in this blog post? There's a lot, good luck! (That includes my new name) You can find them among some of these rambling notes from an idle excursion.

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