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Monday, March 19, 2012

The last legs of the trip

The last day of the trip was pretty much all driving. We drove from Manwell Antonio back to San José. We stayed at a hotel right next to the airport and Thomas Liam and I spent the last few hours in Costa Rica watching tv. Well, trying to. Because there were very few English chanals available. After that we ate some dinner and went back to watch Americas best Dance Crew. ...interesting. Despite the fact that we had to haul ourselves out of bed at three in the morning to go to the airport, I slept rather well. The beds were the most comfortable beds on the entire trip. Besides the singles in Manzanillo.

Lat that morning, we flew out. It was about 5 or 6 when we left the ground. I sat next some ladies in the plain and we chatted for a good portion of the flight.

I did not get nautiouse this time! Despite my lack of sleep.

And now I'm sitting in my favorite airport in Denver waiting for the six our lay-over to be over. But, I"m enjoying myself none the less.

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