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Friday, August 12, 2011

Turtle Backs


One time I was riding the ferry from Orcas to Friday Harbor.  We were going the long way-Shaw, Lopez, Friday Harbor-and it seemed like we would never arrive.  Suddenly, someone sitting near us exclaimed, "look, you can see why they call it turtleback."  I looked.  Uh?  I looked again.  There it was.  From a distance it looked like the back of a turtle.  If you didn't know before this blog where the 'turtleback' thing came from-consider yourself enlightened.
Oh, I should mention that Judy and I did the entire 'turtleback hike' yesterday.  It was 4.7 miles long and we went from the south entrance to the north trailhead.  We had hiked the north side to the Waldron lookout several times, but the views from the south side of the mountain were spectacular.  It was like you were riding on the back of a turtle.  (Get It?)


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