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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Oh No!

"Oh No!  John Q average student isn't returning to OCS.  Will I be able to go on with my life?"  That's what I've been hearing lately.  "No one is coming back that I want to socialize with."  I guess that means that the rest of us aren't creating "cool" enough at OCS.  Think about it.  There are many of us remaining at OCS, but the comments make us insignificant.  I mean if I was cool enough "average student" might return and attend our school.
I wonder what it would be like if several said, "hey the right fielder isn't coming back, then I won't either!"  That would be so cool to be cool enough for someone to change schools.  How sick on the other hand can it get?  I guess the nobodies are the only ones left.  That means you and me.
What to do?  Judge not right fielder!  I have been.  I won't do that anymore in this blog.  This is what I will say:  I'm going to change lives this year.  I'm going to have a great year and enjoy all the unique people who enter my life.  To those of us who remain, remember this:  You are significant, you are important.  And it's up to you to make this an outstanding year at OCS.  And it's up to me to make this an exciting year at OCS.  I'm setting that as one of my goals, how about you?
This is America and people should get to do what they want to do.  Whatever the reasons why people aren't returning, I must see that they are good reasons and people should be respected.  I respect them.  And I'll miss them.  They've been a part of my life and they still are a part of my life.  Thank you and may you have a terrific year wherever you attend school-I know you will.
"The Lord watch between you and me while we are absent one from another." Laban to Jacob Gen. 31.49.


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