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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Profession (al)

So, I don't know who all knows, but my plan in life is to become a photojournalist. It combines my two favorite things to do; writing and taking pictures. However, I want to stray away from the normal photojournalism parameters. Normally photojournalism is defined by it's significant qualities of timeliness, objectivity, and narrative, which separate it from typical photography. However, photojournalism's definition is this: "A form of journalism in which photographs are used to tell the news piece."

Now, that would obviously undermine my chances of actual writing, due to the photographs normally being the story in their own. So, I plan to be a photojournalist who leans more to the journalism side. Basically, I'll take my own pictures, and write about the experience; without assistance from a big crew or team needed (Which the said opportunity is given at popular magazines like National Geographic and TIME).

Now, why would I bring up the career I'm pursuing, you may ask? Well, Mr. Worley has assigned his Health/PE class the task of looking up colleges that contain opportunities exclusive to their career choice. Basically, we find a college, check the class opportunities for us individually, contact a student at the college to ask questions, and write a report on it, describing the aforementioned things.
Well, for mine - considering the nearby opportunities - I'm stuck between Whitworth University, and Eastern Washington University - which oddly enough are the colleges my sister is between. One is more cost-realistic, but both offer outstanding writing programs, and even photography programs.
And, you may also ask, "Why Eastern and Whitworth? Why not _____ Community College/University/College?" And, I'll answer with this; they're either in, or very close to Spokane, Washington, which is known for it's distribution of popular authors/reporters. Yep, that's right. Basically, if I got lucky and they appreciated my work, I could get a job to work (maybe an internship) in Spokane, while I was going to college. Not a bad idea, don't you agree? Plus, it puts me on the road to a professional job, with the ability to reference the job/internship I could get for the professional job (wherever it may be/bring me to).

Anyways, I have my hopes and dreams, and you have yours. What's important is that we have them. No matter how far away your dreams are from reality, whether you be five or fifty-five, keep believing you can make it, and keep reaching for those stars.

"You may say I'm a dreamer,
        but I'm not the only one."

~The Blue Rabbit

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