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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Take A Hike


I knew it was coming. There are experiences that patiently lurk, waiting to jump on you and demand your attention. So there it was, the fateful email from Don Bryan (DB) wondering if I’d be willing to occasionally write a pastor’s message. Writing anything is so painful for me that the thought of typing a few meaningful messages over the next few months pushed me back to high school and college writing classes. Having known DB for a while I could just hear his voice in the pleasant email he was sending-how can you say no to this sincere guy who opens up easily and kindly to you when he makes a request. After saying yes, I decided to share thoughts on why writing is such a painful experience for me. There are many reasons, but you can be encouraged that this message will only mention one.

I’m always worried that my writing will never be good enough. You’ll see my mistakes. You’ll think I’m dumb. You’ll wonder if I really went to college. You’ll wonder how I received a teaching certificate. You might not like me. Don’t smile. I’m not exaggerating. (How can “exaggerating” have gg right there in the middle it?)

I understood from my high school teachers that someone had failed me when it came to teaching spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and composition. My first paper in College Writing was an F. At the end of the first quarter I had earned a D. Writing these last two paragraphs brings emotion that is painful.

Life is often about “not being good enough!” Here comes the predictable life lesson: Walking with God is not about being “good enough.” Walking with God is about, “I’m really glad we’re together, as long as you want me I’ll always be willing to hike with you.”

Is going to church that simple for me? Am I going to church to be reminded that friendship with God is “enough?” I once received a letter from Jana, a former student. “It took me six years Pastor Worley but I’m finally a college graduate! I just wanted you to know that I made it!” I want my students to know that they can make it in school and in life. More than that, I want them to know that God doesn’t give Fs in our walk with Him. You and I have already MADE IT. Today, take a hike, go at a comfortable speed; you already have an “A.”


Monday, March 19, 2012

Simply Denver

I love A terminal. B sucks, C is Ok. A rocks: Food, long walkways, Ben & Jerry's for dinner... Life is great.

One hour and we are on the plane home!! I'm so excited to see my dad, a hot shower, my bed, my cats etc... No stray dogs, cats, cows, or horses would be good to.

I'm going to miss Costa Rica, but I know I love the US more, and I know I want to live on Orcas and defiantly NOT San Jose.

- Mara

Why I'm exctied about going home

Wow! Where have the past two weeks ago gone??? Just two weeks ago we were leaving SEA/TAC and flying to Costa Rica. Now two weeks later I'm sitting with the rest of the group in Denver International Airport waiting for our 5:35 boarding call to SEA/TAC. A few days ago I had this feeling that I really did not want to leave sunny, warm Costa Rica and head back home to cold, windy, snowy Orcas Island. Now I am 110% ready to get back home. Why am I ready? Because I can not wait to: sleep in my own bed, take a HOT shower, see my dog, hang out of with friends that I have not seen in two weeks, talk to my dad, get ready for a Crew regatta this coming Sunday, get up for Crew practice in the mornings and row on Cascade Lake.
Seeing and being in all different situations over the past two weeks has made me really realize how lucky we are in the United States to have all the things we have. Having clean water and good food available are almost things that we do not even think about, it is just a given almost in the USA. Also having all the electronics and technology that we have in the USA is another blessing we take for granite. I am also very excited to be able to listen to my ipod and play Modern Warfare 3 after two weeks that I did not even think about them.

I'm sick.

I guess I picked a good time of the trip to get sick, rather than one of the days we hiked or worked at the school. We had to leave the hotel at 3:30 this morning, so that probably doesn't help. We have been in an airport or airplane for 14 hours already, and I am so ready to get home. I tried to call my parents this afternoon, but nobody answered their cell phones or home phone. This has been a lame blog post, but wish us luck on our 2.5 hour flight to Seattle!!


...And We're Waiting!

I'm an impatient person. I don't like waiting. That's a bummer, because that's all we've been doing today. Waiting for the plane to leave Costa Rica, then waiting for the plane to land in Denver, then waiting for the plane to leave Denver, and then on top of that we get to wait some more! But don't get me wrong, I don't mind the waiting this time. I'm just so excited to be going home! I'm looking forward to getting hugs from my family. And that's so worth all this waiting! :)

Remember my last post, folks? About the baby sea turtles? Unfortunately, my dream didn't come to pass. We didn't even see an adult one. Oh well. Guess we'll have to go back!

Party Van Jokes

Throughout this trip we had driving a crazy amount of time. I can't tell you guys how many hours we spent driving but we got to know each other pretty well. We had two vans, one appropriately named the "Party Van", and the other one remains nameless. I was among Kellen Comrie, Thomas Thompson, Clara Smith, Staci Lindgren, Graye "Scrappy" Parnell, and Gabi as the founding fathers of this wonderful van.
Among the many hours of driving in the car we had told so many jokes that by the last day we had told most of the same jokes at least three times. Here are some of the most popular "Party Van" jokes...

Knock Knock
Who's there?
To who?
To whom

A polar bear walks into a bar and the bartender asks "Hey Mr. Polar Bear! What can I get for you?"
The polar bear responds, "ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, a root beer please"
The bartender then says "coming right up but why the long paws?"

We also had some actions where we would we just whisper Lion King characters names into each others ears and somehow it would turn out funny. Such as, Mufasa, Pumba, and Rafinki.

We also immatured ourselves into the classic, "guess what." "What?" "Chicken butt"

The majority of the cars rides were spent in tears of laughter from these jokes and many more but know that the party van is in another country we have to get new material for the upcoming trips.

Roo Smith

The last legs of the trip

The last day of the trip was pretty much all driving. We drove from Manwell Antonio back to San José. We stayed at a hotel right next to the airport and Thomas Liam and I spent the last few hours in Costa Rica watching tv. Well, trying to. Because there were very few English chanals available. After that we ate some dinner and went back to watch Americas best Dance Crew. ...interesting. Despite the fact that we had to haul ourselves out of bed at three in the morning to go to the airport, I slept rather well. The beds were the most comfortable beds on the entire trip. Besides the singles in Manzanillo.

Lat that morning, we flew out. It was about 5 or 6 when we left the ground. I sat next some ladies in the plain and we chatted for a good portion of the flight.

I did not get nautiouse this time! Despite my lack of sleep.

And now I'm sitting in my favorite airport in Denver waiting for the six our lay-over to be over. But, I"m enjoying myself none the less.