Who has posted your favorite blog?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Writing Revelations

Interesting how something can take your thoughts in a new direction.  When the blank rabbit said writing
styles differ, I began to wonder why.  I also wondered if I could change mine enough that it would seem fresh and like someone else was blogging for theocs360.  Not sure if this brain teaser will stay with me.  However, it must be like personalities.  Not famous people, but the personality that has been developed over time, including the one with which we receive at birth.
Never thought of changing a writing style.  Where to start.  The Apostle Paul wrote more than half of the Bible's New Testament.  His writing style was so predictable that the New Testament book of Hebrews is assumed by many Bible scholars to be written by someone other than Paul.  The theology is not the problem, but rather the writing style is significantly different than Paul's other letters (books).
Can I do it?  Can I blog and leave the impression that it isn't roger worley?  How do I begin this quest?
Stay tuned-particularly you blank rabbit! (We don't know his color or what kind of rabbit he is-this is a tough time for all of us at theocs360)

rabbit chaser

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Times Are Changing

As we kickoff the year, we're looking at new options.

An idea we proposed was to stick with this blogging website, and create a YouTube account in order to upload videos. However, we also considered other outlets of creativity. We thought we'd check out some other blogging websites. One of these, Blog.com, ended up being exactly what we needed, without every capability we needed to be able to use on the iPads (curse you Adobe Flash Player!!!).


Monday, September 12, 2011

Sprinting, Jogging, But Not Quite Running...

The OCS 360 has officially kicked off for the school year, and with its brand new season come brand new technical problems. We've already found major ones, including a direct inability to post videos on the Blog while using the iPad. We can still post videos through a regular computer, but we have no way to get them to that computer from the iPad.

Another one is more of a personal issue for me. As you all know, last year I was known as The Blue Rabbit. However, this year, at least currently, I am at a personal inability to go by the aforementioned name. This is due to not being able to change the colors we type in on the Blog (yet again, so far). We're trying to resolve this matter, but it may require using an app for the iPad, which would mean we may, or may not be down for a week or two while we figure out all of the shenanigans we can come with through the app.

As we start adjusting, the Blogs will become more frequent, and hopefully by November we'll be running along at top speed.

Another change this year is our number of staff. Sierra Haugen, known on The OCS 360 by her pen names Rambunctious Commentator, Nudge Nudge Wink Wink, Bwana, and many more, will not be joining us this year. This leaves us with a total staff of two people; Mr. Worley and myself. Now, since this proposes a 50/50 chance of who's writing what blogs, I'm going to issue all of you, the readers, a challenge: Try and be the first to say who wrote which blogs. This can be done by logging in using a Gmail account, and then posting a comment on the blog.

Good luck.

~The ____ Rabbit

PS: Keep in mind tht even if we use our pseudonyms, It does not guarantee that it is actually that person. Think of how we differ in our writing standards. Then again, those are changeable, too. ;)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sorry About That...Wait, What?!

It's a bird!
It's a plane!

No, it's The Blu-

...........................Wait...what? Where's my color? Now I'm...Am I forced to become...The Rabbit? No color? What is this madness?! And...and...no videos? What in the world? How could this happen?! What do we do?! Oh no!!!

~The Sad ____ Rabbit

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our First Commericial! (And he didn't even know it was happening!)

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

He Returns

Yes friends, the Blue Rabbit is returning to a blog near you.  He is able to leap frogs with a single bound.  He's faster than a speeding Frisbee, and fights for grammar accuracy The American Way.  You're going to love this guy!  SUPER RABBIT RETURNS!


Monday, September 5, 2011


Orcas Christian School had a great first week.  There were lots of faces that have been attending our school, and there were numerous people that added wonderful spice to our student body.  I think I forget how easy it is to add new excitement to old situations.  Our new people don't have to try and be different in order to add a new flavor to campus life, just being who they are is a wonderful change for those of us who feel like we've always been around and know how everyone here thinks.
The high school has the largest number of new people on campus.  Mrs. May has nine kindergarten enrollees and they're all females.  Each classroom is unique and worth your time to step inside and see what's happening.  You're always invited to view the OCS campus and to see the most important part of OCS:The People!
