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Monday, August 29, 2011


I should have known.  How could I even entertain such a thought?  I mean, I study history.  History speaks to us and says, "learn from the past, trust the wisdom that I share."  Yet whenever a teacher leaves OCS, I wonder to myself, so, who could possible replace...?  From the OCS beginnings this question always lingers with the personnel committee: "Oh, who can we find, who can replace, who will want to come, what will happen now?"  And every time God sends just the right person.  You know, a person that the kids will always remember.  A person with energy, spiritual commitment, well trained, and eager to make a difference.
I'm no longer on the personnel committee.   
Yet again, at the end of last school year a teacher left.  Yet again, my mind wandered and asked the same old questions.  Silly me.  Have I forgotten all that history stuff?  No, but you still wonder.  You still ask.
More than once I've made the trip up to the room with the new teacher.  Every time I'm greeted with all those things mentioned above.  I once thought: If only I had a smile like her!  Did I ever have that energy and enthusiasm?  I think so. 
There are lots of questions about the new year.  However, one question has been answered.
As always, God sent just the right person to OCS.  In fact she's been here for three years.  Already Rachel Fox has made an impression.  Already she reminds me that God knows what's best.  The tradition of hiring  energetic, spiritually committed persons, ones who are well trained and qualified, continues.  Rachel proves again that OCS has great teachers that change the normal atmosphere of a classroom into a place where  kids will thrive and grow.  Go up to Mrs. Fox's room and you'll see again it's the people that make the difference at OCS.  IT JUST CONTINUES, again, and again, and again.  Those lucky 4th, 5th, and 6th graders!


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