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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Finals, Lock-In, and Softball!

The word rang out in the highschool as students started to freak out when surprise finals were announced. This would be my first high school year taking finals in every class. Kind of scary once you think about it, but I will definitely be working hard on the tests.

Wow, I didn't know that we were going to have another Lock-in. Lock-in's are fun because they are separate from the regular sleepover with the K-8 grades; It is a sleepover/hangout time with just the high school. The first high school Lock-in this year - my opinion - wasn't very fun. When we schedule different trips and plans away from the elementary and junior high students, it feels like a special trip for high school only; and I like that. That is just the way it has been all this time and I like the way it has been. People didn't act into the games when SA came up with the events for that night. I am being serious, and I may sound harsh, but I just didn't enjoy it like last year. Last year we had many well planned and thought out games to play, and plenty of alternatives were offered to those who didn't want to participate in the other games. Plus, there was a lot more upper classmen last year than this year. There is no harm or put-downs being said against the Student Council, I just know that they could make the event a little better than it was last time.

Go Lady Vikings Softball Team!!! We are off to state to kick some teams around. In this little message from our softball players Alicia Susol and Aliviah Garcia, there will be a bakesale today at the Island Market from 3:30-5:00'ish. Make sure to stop by and buy some interesting and exotic treats to take home and enjoy.

-Rambunctious Commentator

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