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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Back Home

Some people are nostalgic. Some people aren't. Some people can't say they are or aren't because they don't know what it means. For the latter:
1. A bittersweet longing for things, persons, or situations of the past.
2. The condition of being homesick; homesickness.

Now, I am one of the former. Yeah, I constantly check up on what's going on back 'home'. I came from North Carolina all the way here almost 4 years ago. But, still, I check up on my old home once in a while.

I'm sure a lot of you are aware of what's going on the in Southernish part of the US right now, whether it concerns you or not. For those who aren't aware, there's been massive storms which have been producing multiple devastating tornadoes.
But, us here in the northwest don't really have to fear tornadoes, as we're technically on "uneven ground". You see, tornadoes havve to stay stable (Kinda funny, right?), and thus be on close-to-even ground to maintain themselves. So, we need not worry about such devastating wind masses. However, towards the middle-southeastern United States, it's always a big possibility and concern.

Now, you may wonder why I'm saying all of this. I came from Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, NC (White dot w/ red on map below).
Also, my grandparents on my dad's side live in (Guess what?!) Grantham, Wayne County, NC (White dot w/ blue on map below).
Now, National Geographic had a story with their recent article that featured a page depicting ravaged Fayetteville, Cumberland County, NC (White dot w/ green on map below).

Within Forsyth County, there have been relatively few tornadoes (maybe 10-20), so not much to talk about, but still there have been more than usual.

In Wayne County, the area where my grandparents live, there have been over 40 tornadoes, which is extremely rare for them.

And Fayetteville...well, they've been ravaged (as I said before), hence why NG decided to pick them for the shot, I think.

Yeah, NC's going through a rough period right now, and another storm is close by (far left of map), but it's luckily only going to scrape the top of the state. (Whew!)

This has been your one-time-only weather report (possibly),

~The Blue Rabbit

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