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Thursday, March 10, 2011

"For the Birds"...No, the Twins

A twin huh? Those lucky enough to have a twin should know by now that there are ups and downs to this interesting topic. What is a twin you may ask? A twin is two babies that have similar generic codes and were once apart of the same embryo. I myself am a twin, and my other half is 13 minutes younger than me. You wouldn't believe we were twins even if you stuck us together and examined our "similarities." Many people who have met us say, "Are you really twins?" And we'll say, "Yes.""Really? I never would have guessed." The situation changes however when you are an identical twin; various people have said they are freaks of nature, but we shouldn't down the identicals out there. (Wonder what that would be like)?

The situation differs again. If you live with your twin, you become attached to them. When you graduate high school you think man, I really miss my twin. Separation can or cannot be difficult, it all depends on how big of a connection you have with your other half. Aside from being a twin, I have a 23 year old sister living in Arizona.
Married, has a child; they are quite happy. Yet, I never had such a strong connection with her as I do my brother. Sure I miss her now, but she is my family so of course I would miss her, but not in the same way. Part of the reason could be that she treated us wrongly in the past, but many older siblings tend to do that, especially if you are 9 years younger than they are.

For the most part, I have no regrets being a twin.


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