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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Work...Was Easy!

So, I work at the Funhouse, in case some of you readers didn't know. I work as teen staff, which means that I run the activities going on there along with a co-worker, who is also teen staff. Above the teen staff is my boss, who in turn has her boss, the big runner-of-the-show, Pete Moe (Ha, that rhymed). Basically, I have a couple of bosses who run my show.
Anyways, onto the subject. At the Funhouse, we have something now called Activity Hour, in which we have kids participate in one of three activities; homework club, arts & crafts, or a random activity done with one of the teen staff.
Well, we recently acquired a brand new Xbox 360 Kinect. See where I'm going? I decided it would be an amazingly fun idea to ease up my day, and in turn the kids' day, by hooking it up for the first time, getting it set up, and putting the game Dance Central in there.

He shoots!                                  
                        He scores!

It was a Big success! After I informed the kids about it being up and running, the went running ("Please, no running in the Funhouse!") for Video Pod 1. I didn't see them until the end of the work day (Activity Hour is at 3:30, Funhouse closes at 5:30. Do the math), at which they still thought it was 4:30, the time when Activity Hour ends.
After a huge sigh of relief at the work day passing by so quickly and smoothly, I headed on my way home.

So, that was basically my best and easiest day of work...ever. And today, I'm hoping it goes just as smoothly.

Bugs' got nothin' on me,

~The Blue Rabbit

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